Grade One Qualified Construction

Optimization of Structural Calculations


Professional in Steel Structure

High Quality

Exclusive Design


You are a Guest of a Construction Company,

With a Professional Management,

So Raise your Expectations …

Grade One Qualified Construction Company
Total Quality Management(TQM)
Engineering procurement Construction(EPC)

Repetitive and poor quality work is not for you. Raise your expectations of pleasure and tell us your needs. My co-workers and I have prepared the building you are waiting for so that you can be just relaxed and enjoy it.

We know your Time & Wealth is important. The Project Manager is technically and scientifically aware of the Municipal laws criteria of Tabriz and the national building regulations and the executive conditions of the building, and we will provide you with the best advice before making any decision.

We Make Beautiful Things Exclusively For You…

Interior Design in Tabriz

Ali Ahmadinasab

Commercial Construction in Tabriz

Commercial Construction

Steel Structures

Steel Structures

Beauty Salon in Tabriz

Beauty Salon

Residential Construction

Residential Construction

Aras Free Zone Industrial Complex

Aras Free Zone Industrial Complex


and specialized education in each of the construction disciplines

 Consultation For Your Project

Whether your building is Residential or Commercial or Industrial, we know your Time & Wealth is important. The Project Manager is technically and scientifically aware of the Municipal laws criteria of Tabriz and the national building regulations and the executive conditions of the building in Tabriz, and we will provide you with the best advice before making any decision.


Our experiences are at your Service for achievement to high quality buildings. By total quality management on Design & Construction by our team, You can ensure about decrease Project Risks.

Total Quality Management

In Barin Banasaz we are committed to green building and sustainability in our offices as well as on our job sites. The 2020 pandemic after the release of the Covid-19 virus made the dependence of human life on the inner comfort of home and the environment more apparent. Our design philosophy is to create functional, high-quality and durable buildings so that the least damage is done to the human soul and nature.

High Design Capability

We have enough expertise and experience to design Commercial, Residential and Industrial buildings, according to talented and high-ranking architects and engineers. From the concept to drawing detailed blueprints in best quality, ask us for your beautiful and practical design.

View work samples


Building knowledge
